
Who We Are

We are a 100% volunteer committee that organizes and executes this parade each year. This amazing parade is funded entirely through donations and sponsorships! We are an independent, not for profit, organization.  What will we spend your donation on? Permits, Signage, Fencing, Security, EMT & Fire are just a few of the things that have costs and that we are required to fund to put on a safe, enjoyable Parade. Please consider DONATING today! We can’t do it without you!

We are not affiliated with the City of Denver nor any other government entity in Colorado. 

Presenting Sponsor

Bellco Credit Union has been our presenting sponsor for over 16 years, and the community thanks them greatly for all their support. “The Denver St. Patrick’s Day Parade represents a strong sense of community for Bellco, and we're proud to be a part of it.” said John Rivera, Bellco Senior Vice President and Chief Retail officer. “Bellco serves the financial needs of more than 344,000 members across Colorado, and we prioritize our local event sponsorship as an important way to give back to our community." Follow Bellco on Twitter and Facebook.

Media Sponsor

Fox31 and KWGN Channel 2 have joined the effort in promoting the return of the Denver St. Patrick's Day Parade Presented by Bellco as our 2024 Media Sponsor. They will be providing information updates on parade events over the next month and live coverage throughout Parade Day, Saturday, March 16th! Look for updates on the Fox31 website & social media sites.